Comprehensive metabolic activity for
studying liver function


For more accurate and reliable
prediction for drug discovery


To ensure superior hepatocyte
quality and consistency


Including age, sex, BMI
and medical history



HepatoPRIME™, AnaBios’ high-quality, viable human primary hepatocytes, provide the most comprehensive metabolic activity for researchers studying liver function and drug metabolism. HepatoPRIME™ cells are carefully isolated and characterized to ensure excellent quality and consistency. Our hepatocytes have demonstrated high viability and functionality, making them an ideal model for predicting drug metabolism and toxicity in humans.


  • Our tiered qualification process involves multiple stages of testing to ensure superior quality and consistency of hepatocytes across multiple lots.
  • Large HepatoPRIME™ lot sizes enable researchers to perform experiments with the same batch of cells for extended periods, reducing experimental variability.
  • HepatoPRIME™ high cell viability allows for more accurate and reliable prediction of drug metabolism and toxicity in the human liver.
  • AnaBios offers fast, reliable shipping for domestic and international orders.



  • Superior quality and consistency of hepatocytes across multiple lots leads to more reliable and reproducible research.
  • Large HepatoPRIME™ lot sizes reduce experimental variability, increasing the accuracy of drug metabolism and toxicity predictions.
  • High hepatocyte viability results in more accurate, reliable and biologically relevant drug metabolism and toxicity data, leading to more effective drug development.
  • Extensive donor information provides researchers with a deeper understanding of the variability in drug metabolism and toxicity responses across different patient populations, enabling the development of more personalized medicine.


Raf 2019

AnaBios HepatoPRIME™ Hepatocytes Overview

WEBINAR |Use of Human Liver Cells in Microphysiology Systems

AnaBios: Human Tissue Recovery Experts

AnaBios primary human hepatocytes are isolated from donated human livers. All donated human organs and tissue have been ethically consented for research. 

Primary human cryopreserved hepatocytes are ideal for many scientific applications, including toxicity, metabolism, disease modeling, hepatocyte new drug discovery genomics, enzyme-mediated mechanisms, uptake, intrinsic clearance and more. When plated, human hepatocytes from the liver are metabolically active for 5-7 days and ideal for more extended studies, including transporter, induction and human hepatocyte toxicity. Suspension format human hepatocyte cells are suitable for shorter-term analysis between 2-4 hours, including in vitro metabolic clearance and metabolism studies.

As part of our translational research model, AnaBios aims to translate results from scientific research that directly benefits humans. Therefore, we follow the published recommendations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the use of human hepatocytes and liver tissue. All AnaBios primary human hepatocyte products and human liver tissue are for research use only and are not approved for use in humans or clinical diagnostic testing. 


Plateable, Suspension, Spheroid Qualified

AnaBios offers plateable, suspension & spheroid-qualified primary human hepatocytes for academic research & drug discovery.

Large Lot Sizes

We’ve made incredible advances resulting in larger lot batches of cryopreserved human hepatocytes to meet your needs. 

Fast Shipping

AnaBios offers fast, reliable shipping—both domestic and international. Contact us to learn more about shipping hepatocytes to your lab. 

Tiered Qualification

AnaBios’ high-quality HepatoPRIME hepatocytes™ are assessed for use in drug discovery, toxicity testing, regenerative medicine. 

High Viability (≥ 85%)

Hepatocyte viability is important for the ability of liver cells to survive and function properly. 

Extensive Donor Information

We provide extensive donor information, including cause of death, age, gender, race, BMI, diabetic status, smoking history, alcohol use, drug history and co-morbidities.


  • Drug screening with human hepatocytes
  • Hepatocyte drug metabolism assays
  • In vitro metabolic clearance studies
  • Disease modeling using human hepatocyte assays
  • Regulation induction using plateable hepatocytes
  • Long-term metabolic stability
  • Toxicity using cryopreserved human hepatocytes
  • Transporter studies
  • Co-culturing
  • Genomics and cytochrome P450 polymorphisms


AnaBios primary cryopreserved human hepatocytes from donated livers are intended for research and are not approved for use in humans or clinical diagnostic testing. 


AnaBios recommends immediately storing each hepatocyte cryovial in liquid nitrogen in vapor phase upon arrival. AnaBios guarantees the performance of the hepatocyte cells if the provided instructions are followed. However, the performance of the cells is not guaranteed if any modifications are made to the provided instructions. If you have any questions on how to prepare to receive a hepatocyte shipment, please contact us at [email protected].

Are you a contract research organization working on drug research and innovative technologies? We have made incredible advancements resulting in large lot sizes in our inventory to fulfill your unmet human hepatocyte and needs. Our hepatocyte cells are fully characterized for relevant metabolic pathways and can be used in various applications. We work closely with our clients to help you find the right donor characteristics suitable for your hepatocyte and liver studies through our personalized services. 


AnaBios methodologies for human tissue preservation center around the perfusion of human organ and tissue samples with solutions that temporarily induce metabolic arrest and slow down the biochemical processes responsible for ischemic tissue damage. This approach halts the depletion of intracellular ATP in the tissue and creates an ionic transmembrane balance compatible with the preservation of tissue integrity. AnaBios further employs proprietary protocols that prevent reperfusion injury and free radical damage in the human tissue.


What Different Types of Human hepatocytes do you have available?

AnaBios offers two human hepatocyte products for disease modeling and genomic applications: human suspension cells and human plateable cells. Suspension cells are suitable for short-term analysis between 2-4 hours, including clearance and metabolism studies. Plateable human hepatocyte cells are suitable for extensive studies and can be plated for at least 5-7 days for transporter studies, induction and toxicity. 

What other human liver cells do you provide?

We currently only offer cryopreserved human hepatocytes from donated livers for use in suspension and plateable formats. We plan to include additional cell types, such as Kupffer, stellat, and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) in the future. Please email us at [email protected] for more information.

Why should I use AnaBios primary human hepatocytes over liver cell lines?

Although primary human liver cells have a limited lifetime compared to cell lines, they are fully metabolically active, are more physiologically relevant and offer many other advantages in studying hepatotoxicity when compared to liver cell lines which can only be used for cytotoxicity due to lack of metabolism. In addition, primary human hepatocytes offer various combinations of metabolic profiles normally found within the human population. Our goal is to provide high-quality hepatocytes and liver hepatocytes of diverse donor lots to fit the research community’s needs.

What different types of human hepatocytes do you have available?

AnaBios offers two cryopreserved human hepatocyte products ideal for disease modeling and genomic applications:

  • Suspension Cells – suitable for short-term analysis within 2-4 hours, including clearance and metabolism studies.
  • Plateable Cells – suitable for more extensive studies and can be plated for at least 5-7 days for transporter studies, induction and toxicity.
Is there an advantage in using cryopreserved hepatocytes vs. fresh hepatocytes?

Yes, cryopreserved hepatocytes offer the ability to bank them, thus ensuring study reproducibility using the same lot of cells and freedom of using cells when needed. Cryopreservation of human liver cells are based on the combination of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at various concentrations, ranging from 5% to 20%. The function of DMSO, a permeating reagent, in cryopreservation solution is to prevent crystal formation during the freezing process and inhibit intracellular and membrane breakage due to ice formation. The AnaBios proprietary cryopreservation method allows us to preserve human hepatocytes with high viability. Our method allows for maintenance of high-quality cytochrome enzyme activity for long-term storage and allows us to maximize product distribution. Fresh isolated primary human hepatocytes need to be used immediately. 

How many cells are in each vial of AnaBios primary cryopreserved hepatocytes?

The cell count will vary but each lot typically contains a minimum of 5 million cells in each vial. The actual number is provided on each lot’s Certificate of Analysis (CoA). 

What’s the difference between AnaBios’ human tissue and that of biobanks and Human tissue repositories?

AnaBios takes strict protocol measures to ensure the viability and functionality of the tissue and organs ethically recovered from donors. Our preservation methodologies focus on using solutions that temporarily induce metabolic arrest and slow down the ischemic breakdown process. This approach halts the depletion of intracellular ATP and creates an ionic transmembrane balance compatible with the preservation of tissue integrity.

What are the quality test control measures for validation?

AnaBios cryopreserved hepatocytes are quality control tested for cell yield, viability, morphology and plating efficiency (when applicable).

Does AnaBios offer diseased tissue Samples for academic and biotech research?

AnaBios offers normal and diseased high-quality human tissue samples for both academic and pharmaceutical research, and provides demographic information, such as sex, age, ethnicity, BMI and cause of death. Please contact us for more information about our diseased tissue samples.

Does AnaBios ship human tissue to locations outside of the United States?

AnaBios ships human tissue samples internationally using experienced couriers to ensure successful shipments.