AnaBios is committed to enabling human-focused drug discovery in areas of high, unmet medical need, including cardiac disease, chronic pain and respiratory ailments.
We are pleased to announce the 4th Annual AnaBios Translational Research Grant for a net award of US $15,000. The $15,000 award of high-quality human tissue samples from AnaBios will help the winning academic researcher advance his/her translational research project. In addition, we will award a 25% discount to the 10 highest ranked applications for the future purchase of AnaBios tissue samples.
To submit your application, please upload your abstract and a detailed explanation for your use of human tissue using the form below. The deadline to submit your abstract is July 1, 2024. Award winners will be announced July 30, 2024. See below for terms and conditions.
Grant Application Rules
- Only one application per academic researcher may be submitted.
- Each applicant must be employed by or attend an academic research institution authorized to work with human tissue samples.
- The application will consist of an abstract that explains the need for human tissue samples in your scientific research (500 words maximum.)
- Applications must be submitted by July 1, 2024 to be eligible for the award.
- Applications will be judged by a team of AnaBios employees, including scientists and business development/marketing personnel.
- Awards will be announced July 1, 2024. All award decisions are final.
- By submitting your application, you are acknowledging and agreeing to abide by AnaBios’ terms and conditions (see below).
- Grant award may only be used to obtain AnaBios tissue samples (and not primary cells).
- Please send questions to
Terms and Conditions
Each applicant must be a research scientist at an accredited university, college or research institute that is authorized to work with human tissue samples for scientific discovery. One application may be submitted per person. All tissue samples from the grant award must be obtained from AnaBios by July 31, 2025. Each applicant must agree to the Researcher Attestation below when submitting their application.
AnaBios Bioethics Policy
AnaBios conscientiously works to develop knowledge that will benefit the advancement of science and mankind through improved human-relevant research based on the use of donor organs and tissues. AnaBios firmly believes that all organ and tissue donations must be treated with the utmost respect and dignity and, understands the profound ethical and moral responsibility with respect to the donor families and their precious “gift of life” donations to help advance research. AnaBios partners directly with key transplant centers in the United States to facilitate the recovery of human tissues from fully consented organ donors. Each transplant center is governed by several accrediting agencies and is subject to one or more forms of United States federal oversight including informed consent, donor screening, medical/social history, medical chart review, physical examination and infectious disease testing.
Donor Consent & Privacy
Informed consent is obtained for each donor case, either via first person consent (driver’s license or other legally binding document) or from the donor’s legal next of kin. Consent procedures utilized meet the standard guidelines concerning informed consent for organ donation for research in a “for profit” environment as established by industry practice and governed by the United States Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. Only anonymized and/or de-identified patient information may be provided by AnaBios, as defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Use & Chain of Custody
AnaBios maximizes the use of recovered human tissues by providing in-house research services and tissue sharing with trusted research partners. AnaBios oversees the intended use of all human tissues by each researcher and is responsible to ensure that the chain of custody of the human tissues is authorized and legally confirmed by each researcher.
Researcher Attestation
As a potential end-user of human tissue provided by AnaBios, you confirm and attest that you have obtained authorization (IRB or ethical committee) to use the human donor tissue samples for laboratory research purposes only at your institution. Tissues and cells may be used for all laboratory research studies including, but not limited to genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, chemotomic, biochemical or histology related studies, without restrictions on genotyping for research purposes only. It is strictly forbidden to use the tissue samples for any clinical purpose, to identify the donor by genotyping, or to produce immortalized cell lines from the tissues, cells or any derived genetic materials. Universal precautions are recommended, and all human tissues should be used in designated areas and be disposed of, according to procedures for removal of human biowaste, according to institutional policies.